on March 5, 2021
Speaking Engagement
Speakers: Christopher Ondeck, David Munkittrick, John Ingrassia and Rucha Desai Topic: Antitrust Law
on October 11, 2017
Speaking Engagement
Speaker: Chris Ondeck Topic: A Bumper Crop of Attacks on Capper Volstead
on April 2013
Speaking Engagement
Speaker: Chris Ondeck Topic: Agriculture and Antitrust: Explanations and Thoughts from Both Sides of the Bar
on March 20, 2013
Speaker: Chris Ondeck Topic: Antitrust Pitfalls for Trade Associations and Members: Avoiding Anticompetitive Conduct Amid Increasing Federal Scrutiny
on February 13, 2013
Speaker: Chris Ondeck Topic: Trade Associations and Group Purchasing Organizations
on March 8, 2012
Speaker: Christopher OndeckTopic: The Capper Volstead Act: A Primer and Update on Current Developments
on December 7, 2016
Speakers: Colin Kass, Chris Ondeck, John Ingrassia, Adrian Fontecilla Topic: Antitrust Policy at the Dawn of the Trump Age: What’s Happening, What’s Going to...
on April 27, 2017
Speaking Engagement
Speaker: Chris Ondeck Topic: Emerging Antitrust Issues for Nuclear Pharmacies
on March 11, 2012
Speaker: Chris Ondeck Topic: Antitrust
on June 4, 2014