The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) core responsibility is to promote efficiency and economy in myriad programs by eliminating fraud, waste and abuse. For years, compliance professionals have come to rely on OIG’s advisory opinions, special fraud alerts, advisory bulletins and industry-specific guidance to develop and evaluate compliance programs.
In recent years, OIG has modernized its compliance outreach by not only producing digital content that allows federal healthcare participants to stay current on emerging issues and strengthen their existing compliance programs, but also publishing strategic Work Plans that offer insights into OIG’s priorities, helping compliance professionals with risk assessment and mitigation, and guiding the development of effective compliance programs.
Click below to read more about OIG’s efforts—especially through increased cross-component collaboration that focuses on data-driven enforcement actions and audits—and how healthcare participants can leverage them in their own compliance programs.
Compliance Today
Using OIG’s Cross-Component Audit and Enforcement Data to Strengthen Your Compliance ProgramCopyright 2024 Compliance Today, a publication of the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA).