COVID-19 has presented us with unprecedented challenges around the globe. We wish everyone good health.
Our Firm remains committed to the many students we work with on a regular basis through our CSR programs. Although the virus has made it impossible to continue our face-to-face mentoring, we are connecting through webinars, phone and online meetings.
Most recently, we were able to virtually host a class with John Jay College students on the topic of law and social justice. Our pro bono partner, Bill Silverman, led the videoconference, and we had wonderful attendance and participation as we discussed the need for criminal justice reform during the COVID crisis. Students shared thoughts about measures we need to take to ensure safety in our prisons; our strong consensus was that prisoners with medical conditions who do not pose a threat to public safety should be released.
Jeffrey Neuburger, co-head of Proskauer’s Technology, Media & Telecommunications Group, head of the Firm’s Blockchain group and a member of the Firm’s Cybersecurity Group, continues to mentor his veteran protégé through our collaboration with the American Corporate Partners program. During their latest session, they worked together on improving his protégé’s resume and cover letter and are now preparing for an upcoming interview.
Zachary Klinger, a litigation associate, has been in regular contact with his South Bronx United (SBU) mentee, Mohamed, during the past month. They have talked about books on their reading list and compared advice they have received during the pandemic, including to maintain friendships even from afar. Additionally, Zach has offered to tutor other students virtually in the SBU program during the crisis.
These are just a few examples around the Firm, and we remain in touch with many “graduates” of our student-focused programs. In maintaining programs for our students beyond our in-person classes and workshops, we strengthen our connections and hope to lift each other up through this difficult time.