July 13, 2017 (NEW YORK) – The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) has recognized Proskauer for its lawyers' significant pro bono contributions.
The Empire State Counsel honored 64 Proskauer lawyers for their pro bono work on behalf of low-income New Yorkers and community groups that promote justice and equality. Together, these lawyers contributed nearly 12,000 hours to pro bono matters last year.
The Empire State Counsel program was created in 2006 to give special recognition to NYSBA members who provide 50 hours or more of pro bono legal services in a calendar year. The program celebrates the idea that pro bono service by qualified lawyers can both change the lives of those unable to afford counsel and help them achieve justice.
Proskauer's 2016 honorees are: Gabriella Ahdoot, Stephen Ahron, Bela Amladi, Julia Ansanelli, Brittany Benavidez, Audrey Bender, Allan Bloom, Larissa Boz, Edward Canter, Michael Cardozo, Kevin Chung, Erika Collins, Mark Davidson, Daniel Desatnik, Yasmin Emrani, Erica Esposito, Carl Forbes, Jr., Jacob Friedman, Howard Ganz, Laura Goldsmith, Yonatan Grossman-Boder, David Grunblatt, Jenna Hayes, David Heck, Steven Holinstat, Brian Hooven, Robert Kafin, Brandon Kinnard, Zachary Klinger, Arielle Kobetz, Bowon Koh, Russell Kostelak, Anna Kreimerzak, Francis Landrey, Lukas Mansour, Erin Meyer, David Miller, David Mordkoff, David Munkittrick, Amanda Nussbaum, Evelyn Pang, Charlotte Phelps, Tiffany Quach, Lauren Richburg, Stuart Rosow, Peter Samuels, Andrew Santimays, Seth Schafler, David Simon, Charles Sims, Elizabeth Spector Louden, Sarah Sullivan, Adam Waks, Jeffrey Warshafsky, Jay Waxenberg, Daniel Werb, Krista Whitaker, Krista White, Mara Wilber, Amy Williams, Tiffany Woo, Elise Yablonski, Richard Zall, and Maja Zerjal.