Defending your business against product liability claims

When our clients are faced with consumer class actions or individual cases against their product lines, our Mass Torts & Product Liability Group is fully prepared to defend any suit, protecting the short- and long-term business interests every step of the way. At the heart of our strategy, we adeptly mitigate potential costs, both in terms of financial exposure and risks to brand reputation.

Having handled notable cases involving the pharmaceutical and medical device, health care, automotive, electronic device, software, financial services and construction industries, our lawyers focus on efficient management of the issues and challenges that arise during the entire course of a matter, including defeating class certification and/or plaintiff claims at an early stage. We also have considerable experience in obtaining expert evidence and translating complex scientific and medical information into accessible concepts at trial.

Areas of Focus

  • Asbestos
  • Automotive
  • Construction liability
  • Consumer credit and lender liability
  • Consumer protection laws


  • Contamination
  • Electronic devices and software
  • Pharmaceuticals and medical devices
  • Product defects
  • Product labeling

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