Launched as a pilot program in 2014, the Women’s Sponsorship Program (WSP) was created to champion the professional development of high-performing women lawyers at the Firm as they progress throughout their careers.
There are two tracks for WSP. The associate track pairs mid-level women associates (Protégées) with senior partners (Sponsors), who act as advisors and proactive career champions. The WSP curriculum features robust skills development programming across a broad array of topics, bespoke one-on-one career coaching, and a regular cadence of career management-centered conversations with their Sponsor.
The second track for WSP serves recently promoted women senior counsel and partners (Colleagues) through executive coaching and custom-tailored programs to fit their new and evolving career goals. Each Colleague is matched with a senior partner (Sponsor) who works as their proactive career champion. Within the program, the Colleagues curriculum centers on business development, cross collaboration, client relationships, external branding and situational leadership.
"The Women’s Sponsorship Program allowed me to make significant contacts both inside and outside the Firm. Our training sessions were very focused on building relationships and enhancing communication skills as well as networking skills. The Program made a significant positive impact on my career.”
Women's Sponsorship Program Protégée